Hello my little chickadees!!
Yes, I have decided to start my blog again. I'm sure you're all ecstatic/ happy/annoyed/pissed off/wondering how you ended up here when you were looking for a food blog*
* delete as appropriate.
I read over my posts from last year and realised that 2013 was the year I gave up on a lot far too easily! This time round I'm happier, stronger, and able to take insults like water off a ducks back. I also found a draft post that I never got the chance to add so that might make an appearance.
I have also resolved not to talk about anyone without their express permission. Causes less arguments and no one gets hurt that way.
So quick catch up since June 2013. Dates galore from June to September 2014 (joke!), had to kiss a lot of frogs before I found my prince (urgh soppy) but I'm happy. I have my own car, moved jobs, moved house a lot, met new and old friends and generally had a good time.
I hope you enjoy my blog, it will be less about my life as I've become all boring again but I'm sure I'll add snippets in every now and again just to keep you going!
Thanks for reading
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